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In 1996, two Columbia Edgewater Country Club members were fighting personal battles with cancer. Despite their illnesses, they joined forces, organizing a golf tournament dedicated to funding research to help find a cure for cancer. Sadly, neither were able to participate in the event they worked so hard to create; they lost their battles with cancer and won our hearts with their generous gift and dedication to this cause.

Their dream and remarkable legacy live on in the annual CECC Women’s Cancer Event Fundraiser. Columbia Edgewater members have raised $1,124,931 to date for the Providence Portland Medical Foundation, more than any other private group.

This year, your generosity, either in the form a sponsorship, participant or outright gift to the Cancer Tournament will help purchase two pieces of new and state of the art research equipment for the Providence Cancer Institute. In additional to funding medical equipment for cancer research, your gift supports patient cancer treatments while also assisting their families.

All proceeds benefit